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Abonshabai[2] is an ancient god. According to something, at December 21 in 2012 IT will show itself, and it's wrath will be great. It will destroy everything but the faithful believers. Why would IT destroy everything is unknown to us. Maybe IT simply has nothing to do in decades? Who knows. However we do know that it is not a hoax.

Join the ancient Abonshabai[3] cult, that was discovered by someone important and famous even today. I will not tell you his name for I don't know it. We believe that there is a chosen prophet in this world by Abonshabai itself, at this very moment. Who this jackass is we don't yet know. Why is it him and not me?!.. Perhaps I shouldn't speak this way about " HIS " prophet, but what do I care? I am a believer, all will be forgiven..:)

Don't be a dumbass, Join us! :)