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Nemokamas alus

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Tai taip atrodo nemokamas alus, kai fabrikiniu būdu gaminamas...

Nemokamas alus arba Free beer - tai aišku, kad visai dar ir mokamas tas alus, bet užtatai receptas už dyką, pelnęs tarptautinį pripažinimą ir tinkamas ne tik naminiam alui virt, bet ir rimtiems aludariams. Tai aišku, tik viena kliurka - kad užmandravotas kažkokiom guaranos uogom, bet tiesą sakant, ir be jų skanus...

Nemokamo alaus receptas

Tai čia nelabai mokėjom išverst, tai dedam angliškai, kaip sakant, nors jei kas mokėtų išversti, tai nuostabu būtų, jei pataisytų:


(19 L, ALL-GRAIN) OG = 1.054 FG = 1.014 IBU = 32 SRM = 19 ABV = 5,1 %)


3,8 kg Maris Otter (3,0 SRM)
800 g Munich Malt (7,1 SRM)
200 g Crystal Malt (66,0 SRM)
100 g Brown Malt (95,4 SRM)
80 g Carafa Special Type III (710,7 SRM)
7.48 AAU Northern Brewer hop pellets (FWH.)
(25 g of 8.5% alpha acid)
2.92 AAU Williamette hop pellets (7 min.)
(15 g of 5.5% alpha acid)

35 g Guaraná berries
Crush Guaraná beans and infuse in 1 quart of hot boiled
water (max temperature 78 °C).
Filter the mixture and add to the boiling wort the last 15
London Ale (White Labs #WLP013)


Mash crushed grains at 66,0 °C in 13,5 L of water.
Hold mash at 66 °C for 60 minutes.
Heat to 72 °C.
Hold mash at 72 °C for 5 minutes.
Heat to 78 °C.
Hold mash at 78 °C for 10 minutes.
Sparge with 15,5 L of 78 °C water.
Collect 22,7 L of wort.
Remember to add Northern Brewer hops at the beginning
of sparge a.k.a. First Wort Hops/FWH.
Boil wort for 60 minutes.
Add the Guaraná mixture the last 15 minutes and the
Willamette hops the last 7 minutes.
Cool wort to 19,5 °C and transfer to clean and disinfected

Remember to aerate the cooled wort, dissolving as much
oxygen as possible in the wort.
Pitch Yeast.
Ferment at 19,5 °C until fermentation is completed (approx.
7-10 days).
Dissolve 90 g of sugar in a small amount boiling water.
Put the sugar mixture in a clean and disinfected container,
and transfer the fermented beer this will ensure even
distribution of carbonation sugar.
Leave as much yeast sediment/trub as possible, in the
Be careful not to aerate the fermented beer in the process.
Bottle for carbonation and leave at 19,5 °C for 7-10 days.
Store bottles at 4-8 °C for another 14-30 days.
– Serve cold and enjoy.

Dar žr.

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