Šikti plytomis

Šikti plytomis būna smagu, tik gal ne tiems, kas šika plytomis, o tik tiems, kas saugiai iš šono stebi. Paprastai tam, kas šika plytomis, nebūna malonu ir linksma, nes tai ne toks jau lengvas procesas, paprastai tik iš baimės kylantis.

Raptor Jesus says: shitting bricks can be dangerous for some WCs

Dar taip anglų kalba sakoma:

Sometimes you shit bricks, literally. Keep going, that's fun.

Dar žr.

  • Vombatai šika plytomis natūraliai, nes jų toks organizmas

Shit bricks/EN

Shit bricks is exciting, but maybe not for those, who shit bricks, only for those who watches safely from the side. For someone who's shitting bricks it's usually not happy and nice, because it's not that easy process that usually rises from fear.

Fun facts...?!

  • Vombats shit bricks naturally because of their organism